- the Andy Eastwood website

Ukulele Market

       The instrument below is offered for sale by a private individual, and is the responsibility of its owner.

You can display ukes and related items here for an administration fee of only £5 (or US $10) per item - CLICK HERE TO LEARN HOW

Gibson UB2 ukulele-banjo

Gibson UB2 ukulele banjo - front

Gibson UB2 ukulele banjo - back

Gibson UB2 ukulele banjo - side

A lovely, genuine 1920s Gibson UB2 banjo-uke,
in great condition.

Complete with original Gibson case!

Gibson UB2 ukulele banjo - side

Gibson UB2 ukulele banjo - case

Gibson UB2 ukulele banjo - case


Buyer to collect or pay shipping from Wirral address (UK).

Enquiries: email Pam or call 07718 906086 (UK code +44)

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Click here to download Three Classics for Ukulele from - Official site of Andy Eastwood, international entertainer and ukulele banjo maniac