- the Andy Eastwood website

Ukulele Market

       The instrument below is offered for sale by a private individual, and is the responsibility of its owner.

You can display ukes and related items here for an administration fee of only £5 (or US $10) per item - CLICK HERE TO LEARN HOW

Ron Beddoes 'New Concert' Gibson copy

Gold-plated Gibson style banjo-uke by Ron Beddoes.
This was given a little bit of a spruce up by Phil Cartwright last year, which including fitting new geared tuners.
The gold plating isn't perfect but it's pretty good, and there is some very slight nail wear on the first couple of frets.

Beddoes Gibson copy ukulele banjo - side

Beddoes ukes are great sounding instruments
for the money.
Includes a nice Roger Bamford case.

Beddoes Gibson copy ukulele banjo - in case

Beddoes Gibson copy ukulele banjo - back

Beddoes Gibson copy ukulele banjo - peghead

Beddoes Gibson copy ukulele banjo - frets

Beddoes Gibson copy ukulele banjo - front


Buyer to collect or pay shipping/insurance from Kent (UK).

Enquiries: E-mail Stuart

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Click here to download Three Classics for Ukulele from - Official site of Andy Eastwood, international entertainer and ukulele banjo maniac